A team of us returned to Mahé, Seychelles this past May to turn around our long-term moorings. Although the weather definitely made for some challenging days (with winds almost reaching speeds of 20 knots and 2 meter swell), we recovered and redeployed all our instruments–Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), Conductivity Temperature Depth sensors (CTDs), thermistors, and some short-term oxygen sensors. We also swapped some additional thermistors that we had deployed offshore last December, on the northeastern side of Mahé (see map).
As part of our fieldwork on this trip, we spent two days aboard the R/V L’Amitié, working with a crew from the Seychelles Fishing Authority (depicted below). We also had the opportunity to meet with Calvin Gerry, a senior oceanographer from the Seychelles Fishing Authority, and a group of scientists from the Seychelles Meteorological Authority office to discuss results, collaborations, and data exchange.
- Crew of R/V L’Amitié, with our four divers
- Our team of divers next to the captain of The Dogtooth and his first mate. We couldn’t have done most of the deployments without them! In the water, from left to right: Rich Walsh, Isabella Arzeno, Madeleine Harvey, and Beverly French (all divers). On the boat, from left to right: Dominique (first mate) and Ralph (captain).
- Isabella Arzeno and Beverly French cleaning instruments after recovery
- Isabella Arzeno meeting with Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) scientist Calvin Gerry
- Diver Madeleine Harvey
- SFA R/V L’Amitié
- Madeleine Harvey and Rich Walsh applying antifouling paint to mooring
- Back deck of R/V L’Amitié
- Aboard the small diving boat towed behind R/V L’Amitié
- Divers Isabella Arzeno and Madeleine Harvey swapping a thermistor
- Recovering our Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV)
- Deploying an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
- Rich Walsh during the Western T-Chain recovery
- Final goodbye after a successful trip!
We are excited to continue analyzing our data!