We plan to develop a 3D numerical model of the Mascarene Plateau region with enhanced resolution around the main islands of the Seychelles. The observations will provide valuable validation for the simulations. The numerical simulations will help us identify the physical oceanographic controls on mass and momentum transport on scales that are relevant to local ecology and fisheries. The simulations will also be an invaluable tool in determining biological connectivity amongst the Seychelles’ multiple islands through the use of modeled drifters. Through this work, we hope to develop basic regional modeling capacity that Seychelles managers and fisheries can use to guide decisions and improve community outreach and education.

Region of interest and proposed model grid. Regional map includes the coastlines of Madagascar, eastern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and southern Asia. The Mascarene Plateau forms a backwards-C north east of Madagascar. The outer model grid at 5km resolution extends ~1700x1200km around the Republic of Seychelles (color map). A higher resolution grid (~1km) will be nested around the inner Seychelles islands as indicated. Colors indicate depth in km.
The final simulations are already made and can be found here